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Exhibition at DWF Siège in France

DW France is registered as an independent French non-profit association (known in France as an 'Association loi 1901') with the official name Development Workshop France (DWF). DWF's founding Board included all three founding members of the original DW thus ensuring continuity of aims and principles.

The association is made up of:

  • active members,
  • associate members,
  • honorary members.

The association is administered by an administrative council elected for a term of one year by the general assembly. Members of the administrative council must be members of the association.
The administrative council designates from among its members an Office consisting of a President and a Secretary/Treasurer who are responsible for handling day-to-day management of the association.

DWF French Registration (SIRET) N° 425 057 528 00019;

DWF has US identification: DUNS n° 391939456.

DWF has a Framework Partnership Agreement with the European Commission Humanitarian Aid department (ECHO) for Humanitarian Aid & Civil Protection


DWF has helped to establish  DW Burkina Faso since 2003. It is one of DWF’s principles to encourage the development of local capacity and institutions to continue the work started by DWF. DWF is locally registered to work in Burkina Faso, in Niger and in Viet Nam.