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Communication & Exchange

DWF Typhoon damage prevention poster produce in Viet Nam 1989

Over the years poster have been used to convey messages about the key principles of safe construction for different risks.

In Viet Nam since 1989, and then in Banda Aceh, Indonesia (2005/6), in Myanmar/Burma (2008-onwards) and Haiti (2010) t .


Central Viet Nam.

DWF UNDP/UNCHS project for Typhoon resistant construction in Central Viet Nam, 1989 - 92, presenting the ten key principles of typhoon resitant construction (see Preventive strengthening & mitigation ). the text for each key point is part of a ten key points poem, and can also be sung!


Central Viet Nam poster
version 2, 

Produced in

DW Crowds at boat races hear Typhoon prevention message

Animation: getting the message across

For the past decade, DW in Vietnam has promoted the preventive strengthening of houses and small public buildings so they can resist the impact of annual cyclones (typhoons) which habitually cause huge damage. A major issue in getting people to make their homes safer is that families did not know that preventive strengthening is possible. They need to be aware that prevention is essentially easy and affordable, and they need to know that it is much cheaper than rebuilding after a disaster.
To address this in each commune DW has organised a wide variety of

Plays used to communicate project messages

DWF uses a variety of local traditional and popular media to communicate the message that prevention is important in reducing the vulnerability of homes. Some of these ideas, like the Vietnamese legend of The Mountain King and the Water King, are traditional. Others, such as the songs and poems that are performed in commune events organised by the project, have been written by local people, often teachers, who also perform.

Children have always played an important part in the DWF animation activities, and on of the plays, "The Stubborn Mason" has been popular both in Vietnam and in 2010 in

Popular events like boat races provide excellent awareness raising opportunities

Awareness raising and the exchange of knowledge have been fundamental to the work of DW, to better understand local concerns and practices and to convey information about the opportunies and actions that can be taken to address emerging issues and problems.  DW's respect for the value of indigenous knowledge was reflected in 1976 by its exhibition and book on 'Indigenous Building and the Third World', and today the DW actions in West Africa are defined by community gatherings that collectively assess the viability of the traditional and contemporary buitl and natrural environment and their relationship.

In Vietnam and Myanmar a variety of communication tools including posters, plays with children, and street events to ecnourage people to take preventive action to reduce their vulnerability. Getting the message accross that it is possible to reuce risk or improve living conditions is every bit as important as are the practicalities of making this happen through training or demonstration.